- Project
Nordic Partnership in Soil Health and Agroecology
NORSØK will participate and disseminate from a Nordic network (TerraNordica) within soil health and agroecology, led by NIBIO.
- Project
Compost from blue mussel residues
Norgeskjell AS on the coast of Trøndelag is the largest producer of edible blue mussel in Norway and exports this popular seafood to many c...
- Project
Local food in Møre and Romsdal: A collaboration project for farmers and chefs
NORSØK in collaboration with Matarena, will initiate an exciting project aimed at enhancing local value creation by promoting collaboration between the agriculture sector and t...
- Project
Is separated cattle manure better as fertilizer than peat in the horticultural production?
Peat extraction has serious environmental consequences but remains the most popular growing medium in commercial and private horticulture. Concurrently, the practice of separating manure...
- Andres arrangementer
18. June - 30. November: Dyrkekurs som et årshjul: En kursserie à 10 kurs (14:00 - 15:00)
Location: Øvre Sem gård - Andres arrangementer
17. - 18. September: Økologisk bakekurs – surdeig (08:30 - 16:00)
Location: Nofima, Osloveien 1, Ås - Våre arrangementer
Forsker Peca Kucha: Fra jord til hjerte- hvordan matproduksjonen påvirker helsa vår (19:00 - 23:00)
Location: Tingvoll Økopark - Våre arrangementer
23. - 24. September: Inspirasjonskurs: Bedre gårdsdrift med agroøkologi (10:30 - 14:30)
Location: Tingvoll økopark, Gunnars veg, Tingvoll, Møre og Romsdal - Våre arrangementer
Fårete Fredag: Tekstilbygda Tingvoll - fra fortid mot fremtid (18:00 - 23:00)
Location: Tingvoll økopark - Våre arrangementer
Fjøsemøte om husdyrgjødsel (10:00 - 15:15)
Location: Tingvoll økopark; Tingvoll gard